The Advocacy for Indonesian Migrant Workers (ADBMI Foundation) together with the Village Government (Pemdes) in East Lombok are collaborating to realize village-based protection for migrant workers. The protection of migrant workers is outlined in the Roadmap prepared by the Village government, LSD and local communities.
It is hoped that this Roadmap for the protection of migrant workers can become a road map for the village government in realizing safe migration at the village level.
Then Husni Ansori as facilitator said that the Roadmap for protecting migrant workers was very important for the village government. "Moreover, the government is encouraging development based on inclusion," he explained, 6/26/2024 yesterday in East Kalijaga village.

Protection of migrant jobs aims to realize inclusion-based development. Apart from that, it is also to strengthen economic, social and legal resilience for PMI and their families.
"Apart from that, to reduce the number of undocumented migration to minimize the risks and vulnerabilities of PMI," explained Husni Ansori during a workshop on improving the Roadmap for migrant worker protection.

At the same time, Hamdi as the East Kalijaga village secretary (sekdes) expressed his appreciation for the performance given by the East Kalijaga LSD administrators. One of them is the proposed Roadmap prepared by LSD, village government and the community.
Apart from that, Hamdi also hopes that with this roadmap or road map, PMI cases in villages can be reduced.
"To date, several reports have been submitted and processed by LSD, especially reports regarding PMI cases," explained Hamdi.
For the time being, the village-based migrant worker protection roadmap will be implemented in ADBMI's assisted villages. This road map will be designated as a reference for all village governments in East Lombok Regency.