The oil palm plantation sector is still closed to the neighboring country of Malaysia. Meanwhile, the oil palm plantation sector is a favorite for prospective Indonesian migrant workers (PMI). But don't worry, other job orders are no less interesting, such as the Baby Sitter sector.
Since May 2024, the Plantation sector has been closed because the worker limit has exceeded. The good news is that Malaysia is opening informal jobs such as baby sitter, housekeeper and family cook and also elder caretaker (informal). The quota is open to 75 people. - The Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI), deputy for placement and protection for the Asia - Africa region, issued SIP2MI for PT. THE TRINITY OF PRIMATA NUANCES.
SIP2MI is issued for informal jobs in the neighboring country of Malaysia.
The jobs include baby sitter, housekeeper and family cook and also elder caretaker (informal). The quota is open to 75 people.
ADBMI Foundation staff member Fauzan said that the public must make good use of this new information. "Moreover, the quota is only 75 people," explained Fauzan July 11 2024.
Fauzan appealed to the public not to fall for Tekong's promises. He even asked the public to take care of their departure documents independently by coming and validating the information to the labor department as the leading sector.
For jobs such as fields or oil palm plantations, explained Fauzan, they are still closed. It is not yet certain how long the closing date will be.
"The fields are still closed, we cannot confirm when they will open," explained Fauzan at the ADBMI office.
It is known that oil palm fields or plantations are the main destination for migrant workers who come to Malaysia.
"For the time being, only babysitters, Housekeeper and Family Cook and also Elderly Caretakers are open," said Fauzan.
This job also targets women who want to become prospective Indonesian migrant workers destined for Malaysia.
He also asked the village government to know this information. "If someone asks for a permit to work in the fields, don't give it. But if you are a baby sitter, Housekeeper and Family Cook and/or Elderly Caretaker, that's no problem. But it's a woman," said Fauzan.